SimpleImp - Online Marketing Agency
By John Evans

SimpleImp presents itself as "An online marketing agency that delivers results". They offer services dealing with graphic design and copy writing, as well as online marketing techniques such as search engine optimization and viral marketing.

SimpleImp is, simply put, a marketing agency for the Internet. They have a lot of experience marketing on the net, as well as lot of market research backing up their designs. Aside from providing online marketing services, the SimpleImp site also serves as a good introduction to those who don't know much about marketing strategies used on the net.

The SimpleImp site has a section for each of the services they offer. Each service has an online form which can be used to submit requests or proposals to the company. The sections also have subpages explaining the process and reasoning behind each particular service. SimpleImp will submit a client's web address to carefully chosen and targeted online directories and search engines with the "Directory Submissions" service. As a companion service, SimpleImp offers web design consultations to help websites score highly in search engines, a process called "Search Engine Optimization". Another marketing tactic, "Online Publicity", involves the use of third-party sources such as news and technical sites to produce features and reviews of the client's web site. This increases the website's exposure and recognition with little cost. SimpleImp will also provide the much-vaunted "Viral Marketing", which they define as marketing messages that customers pass on to other people they know. SimpleImp's marketing personnel have apparently researched a large number of discussion groups, mailing lists, bulletin boards and other forums which can be used for free marketing exposure. More about SimpleImp's design services can be found in the "Graphic Design" and "Copy Writing" sections, and a treasure trove of marketing information can be found on the FAQ and Links pages. Oddly, these last two pages are not part of the site's navigation bar, and can only be found by scrutinizing the links on the subpages. Last but not least, SimpleImp provides "Affiliate" and "Partnership" programs, which go something like this: if you provide a link to SimpleImp's site and a customer uses it to buy services, SimpleImp will pay you a fee.

I was quite impressed with SimpleImp's website. There is a lot of information, and the whole site gives the impression of being well researched and professional. I really got the feeling that my money would probably be well spent buying SimpleImp's services. That may be a testament to their ability in itself. The strange thing about the site was that it advocated all the techniques many web users might consider "annoying". Taglines added to emails, banner ads and possibly "spamming" of discussion boards are some of the techniques described. With the web becoming both more competitive and more commercial, however, I feel these techniques will become more widespread and also more accepted. Users already have accepted banner ads as standard procedure for websites, and it's "pervasive but not intrusive" strategies like this that will really be important if online marketers hope to avoid consumer backlash. What's for certain is that online marketing is a growing field, and SimpleImp looks poised to take full advantage.