Soul Bath
By Jessica Scott

Soul Bath is an extremely experimental site. It is done entirely in flash, and does not appear to have any real purpose other than to look pretty and confuse people. It certainly did me.

The site is kind of hard to explain. The basic gist of it is that you are at some computer terminal and there is some sort of entity inside the computer that you interact with. It asks to play games with you and shows you weird ascii pictures.

Another section of the site, called "clickhere," will take you first to a manifestion of sorts decrying the use of banner ads on websites. Below this it says "Soul Bath: An exhibition of antibanners." So maybe this is what the site is about?

Now the participant is taken to a structure that looks like some sort of skyscraper. Click on a level of the building, however, and a new window pops up with a few pieces of digital artwork that are all about the size of banner ads. The interface for this is very original.

I think perhaps the purpose of this site is merely to experiment in different forms of interface for websites. Other than that, there really isn't much content, although stylistically, the site is interesting.