By Jeannie Ben-Hain offers a wide selection of original trailers that
mostly spoofs of trailers for actual movies. There are three main
ways to select which trailer to view: you can look at all of the "posters"
of the trailers, you can see thumbnail posters of them, or you can
look at a list of the most requested videos. When I visited the site,
the top-rated video was called "Charlton's Angels". It was
a spoof of the Charlie's Angels trailer and a also a commentary
on Drew Barrymore's refusal to have the main characters use guns in
the film. In this same way, many of the trailers match the style of
the movies they originate from. The "Mission Possible 3 (MP3)"
trailer is a very close replica of the Mission Impossible 2
(MI2) trailers and is a funny spoof of the controversy surrounding
copyrighted music on the web. Many of the trailers are funny, but
they get way too complicated and long. On some of the trailers, Quicktime
cuts in and out some or sounds get unsynchronized and then the viewing
is not as enjoyable. Many of the trailers have content that is very
sexual in nature (X Men becomes "Sex Men"). In terms of
copyright issues, the site allows you to download their trailers so
they seem less worried about people using the content without consent.
Overall, I found the spoofs of trailers to be very funny, especially
when kept short or used to convey some satirical content.