Worse Than Queer
By Zoƫ Agnew

Mimi Nguyen is well versed in writing for zines - online or in print. Worse than Queer is her personal homepage, but she can't escape the edgy tone and style of a zine. But she probably did not want to escape this influence. Instead she embraces it, and she has created a personal homepage that more resembles a personal manifesto - and she somehow keeps it interesting.

Assuming that what she writes is truthful, Nguyen is finishing up her Ph.D. at U.C. Berkeley where she is focusing on is Comparative Ethnic Studies. Her manifesto describes her studies in even greater detail as:

a Designated Emphasis on Women, Gender, and Sexuality. Her dissertation work focuses on U.S. Vietnamese cultural production and the politics of diasporic citizenship. She is also working on projects examining the politics of race and sex in reproductive rights discourse, sex-positive feminisms, digital technologies, riot grrrl, drag and other spaces of performance and performativity.

This is in her section entitled "manifesto for my revolution." Now this part of her revolution reads more like a resume than inspiring propaganda. More specifically, this section reads like an academic Curriculum Vitae.

As we know from reading her semi-frequent journal entries, Nguyen's style of politics has changed over the years, even if her focus has not. She is fundamentally concerned with queer and race politics, and the relationship between these movements. But now she is very much entwined with the academic approach to these questions, and perhaps less on the visibly radical front.

Nguyen seems to have some deep ambivalence about this, since this is a frequent topic in her writings. But her vocal grappling with her ambivalence makes for a very interesting read. Worse Than Queer is a personal site of an individual that is just about as far from the boring and self-centered nature of most homepages out there. Let's just hope that Nguyen never sets up a webcam.