Session I (~90 Minutes)
Games and Online Entertainment
Why games are emerging as an important new art form, the aesthetics of
game design, the sociology of game-players, the differences between console,
pc, and on-line gaming, ethical debates about games, games for education
and corporate training...
>Demonstration of computer & console game(s)
" Henry Jenkins, "Game Design as Narrative Architecture"
" Kurt Squire and Henry Jenkins, "The Art of Contested Spaces"
" Steven Johnson, "Control Artist," Emergence, (pp.163-189)
" Howard Rheingold, Tools for Thought (pp. 260-273, 336-341)
" Brenda Laurel, Utopian Entrepreneur
" Allucquere Rosanne Stone, chapter 6, The War of Desire and Technology
at the Close of the Mechanical Age (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 1998)
Session II (~90 Minutes)
Guest Speakers: (roundtable) Steve Meretzky, Kurt Squire, Doug Church
Steve Meretzky was a core member of Infocom, one of the largest computer
games companies in the 1980's where he created seminal computer games
such as Planetfall and worked with Douglas Adams to write the computer
version of Hitchiker's Guide.
Kurt Squire is Research Manager of the Games-to-Teach Project at MIT.
Doug Church is a designer and programmer who helped create the Ultima
Underworld series as well as many other games.
Background Information:
Steve Mereztky (http://www.csd.uwo.ca/Infocom/authors.html#smeretzky)
Kurt Squire (http://cms.mit.edu/games/education/)
Doug Church (http://www.cdmag.com/articles/025/183/dougc_interview.html)