CMS Colloquia/Forum schedule : Winter 2003 20 March: Games Panel, organized by Matt Weise 27 March: Institute holiday 3 April: John Romano (Communications Forum) 10 April: Politics and Poetics of Documentary Filmmaking (organized by Chris Wally and Robin Hauck) 17 April: Two Colloquia 5-7 PM Discussion of the Nielsen Ratings, Susan Whiting of Nielsen Media Research (Communications Forum) 7:30- 9:30 Event with Roderick Coover (organized by Moneta Ho) 24 April: Mark Tribe, (organized by Jeff Ravel and Moneta Ho) 1 May: Communications Forum television conference kickoff event -- CMS Colloquia/Forum schedule : Fall 2002 10/31/2002 - Room 2-105 - 5PM COLLOQUIUM: INDEPENDENT FILMMAKING IN BOSTON Valerie Weiss, Filmmaker in Residence at Harvard Laura Wilson, Filmmaker, Cityscape Motion Pictures Education 11/6/2002 - Bartos Theater - 5PM FORUM: COPYRIGHT AND CULTURE Siva Vaidhyanathan, NYU Jonathan Zittrain, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard 11/7/2002 - Room 3-270 - 5PM COLLOQUIUM: FILMMAKER KASI LEMMONS (director of EVE'S BAYOU) "Magic Realism and African American Gothic Melodrama" Sponsored by MIT Office of the Arts / Program in Women's Studies / Comparative Media Studies 11/14/2002 - Bartos Theater - 5PM FORUM : CULTURE TALK ON PUBLIC RADIO Ellen Kushner, WGBH 11/21/2002 - Room 2-105 - 5PM COLLOQUIUM: WITHER THE WEB David Marshall, Ph.D. David Weinberger, Ph.D. Michael Keating