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2.1.3 Commands and Functions returning BOOL
and boolean "and" operator
AreGensMonomial checks if given gens are monomial
AreGensSqFreeMonomial checks if given gens are squarefree monomial
Comparison Operators less than, greater than, ...
EqSet checks if the set of elements in two lists are equal
Equality Test test whether two values are equal or not
HasGBasis checks if the argument has a pre-computed GBasis
IsAntiSymmetric checks if a matrix is anti-symmetric
IsConstant checks if a ringelem is in the coefficient ring
IsContained checks if A is Contained in B
IsDiagonal checks if a matrix is diagonal
IsDivisible checks if A is divisible by B
IsElem checks if A is an element of B
IsEven, IsOdd test whether an integer is even or odd
IsFactorClosed test whether a list of PPs is factor closed
IsField test whether a ring is a field
IsFiniteField test whether a ring is a finite field
IsFractionField test whether a ring is a fraction field
IsHomog test whether given polynomials are homogeneous
IsIn check if one object is contained in another
IsIndet checks argument is an indetermiante
IsInjective check if a RINGHOM is injective
IsInRadical check if a polynomial (or ideal) is in a radical
IsInteger check if a RINGELEM is integer
IsInvertible check if a RINGELEM is invertible
IsIrred check if a RINGELEM is irreducible
IsLexSegment checks if an ideal is lex-segment
IsMaximal maximality test
IsOne test whether an object is one
IsPolyRing test whether a ring is a polynomial ring
IsPositiveGrading check if a matrix defines a positive grading
IsPrimary primary test
IsPrime prime integer test
IsProbPrime checks if an integer is a probable prime
IsPthPower p-th power test
IsQQ test whether a ring is the ring of rationals
IsQuotientRing test whether a ring is a quotient ring
IsRadical check if an IDEAL is radical
IsRational check if a RINGELEM is rational
IsSqFree check if an INT or RINGELEM is square-free
IsStable checks if an ideal is stable
IsStdGraded checks if the grading is standard
IsStronglyStable checks if an ideal is strongly stable
IsSubset checks if the elements of one list are a subset of another
IsSurjective check if a RINGHOM is surjective
IsSymmetric checks if a matrix is symmetric
IsTerm checks if the argument is a term
IsTermOrdering check if a matrix defines a term-ordering
IsTrueGCDDomain test whether a ring is a true GCD domain
IsZero test whether an object is zero
IsZeroCol, IsZeroRow test whether a column(row) is zero
IsZeroDim test whether an ideal is zero-dimensional
IsZeroDivisor test whether a RINGELEM is a zero-divisor
IsZZ test whether a ring is the ring of integers
NmzSetVerboseDefault Set the verbosity state for Normaliz
not boolean "not" operator
or boolean "or" operators