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2.4.4 Commands and Functions returning STRING
ascii convert between characters and ascii code
CocoaPackagePath returns the path to the CoCoA packages
DecimalStr convert rational number to decimal string
ExternalLibs Linked external libraries
FloatStr convert rational number to a decimal string
format convert object to formatted string
GetEnv access shell variables
GetErrMesg returns the message associated with an error
IndetName the name of an indeterminate
IO.SprintTrunc convert to a string and truncate
LaTeX LaTeX formatting
NewLine [OBSOLESCENT] [OBSOLESCENT] string containing a newline
Packages list of loaded packages
PkgName returns the name of a package
ScientificStr convert integer/rational to a floating-point string
spaces return a string of spaces
sprint convert to a string
StarPrint, StarSprint print polynomial with *'s for multiplications
tag returns the tag string of an object
TimeFrom time elapsed since a given moment