From 2012-2013 the MIT CoLab Green Economic Development Initiative (GEDI) partnered with local government agencies on an “action research” project to develop energy efficiency market transformation strategies for commercial buildings in each agency’s region. The guidebook and accompanying resources draw on this work to present how communities can formulate a commercial energy management market transformation strategy and suggests common policies, approaches, and tools to deploy such strategies. It is intended to support your community’s ongoing economic development and environmental initiatives.
Download a copy of the guidebook to get started on transforming your local energy efficiency market.
Check out the final reports for each of our partner local governments. GEDI assisted our partners with research, industry analysis, and policy guidance to develop their own market transformation strategy.
GEDI's webinar series supported the Energy Efficiency Market Transformation Strategy.
Industry Analysis Workbook
The workbook serves as a reference for much of your industry analysis. It provides a format to document your literature review, and a place to record key information and contacts.
Sample Owner Manager Survey
The sample survey provides a structured format for telephone interviews with building owners to better understand their building benchmarking activities, energy management, upgrade history, financing, leasing, and views on the barriers and opportunities to promoting energy efficiency.
Sample Energy Efficiency Firm Survey
This sample survey provides a structured format for an online survey with energy efficiency firms to identify their existing work in energy and energy efficiency, their views on growing energy efficiency markets, and necessary credentials for professionals.
Sample Focus Group Questions
The sample outline provides a structured format for a focus group with local property owners and operators to identify how they engage in energy management and their views on how the city and region can better support energy efficiency efforts.