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Introduction to Team Building

What is a Team Exercise

As a team:

  1. Pick a recorder
  2. Pick a facilitator
  3. Make a list of items defining “What is a team?”
  4. Have the recorder record your items.
  5. Prioritize the items by Most Important to Least Important.
  6. Reconvene as a group and discuss your definition of a team.



Faculty Instructions for What is a team Exercise

After discussion instructor lists important aspects of a team. Highlighting any part of the definition that was not covered by the students.

Shared Leadership Roles

Individual and Mutual Accountability

Delivery of a Specific Team Purpose

Collective Work Product

Encouragement of Open Ended Discussions

Specific Problem-solving Meetings

Performance Directly Measured by Assessing Collective Work


Discussions and Decisions About Problem Solving

Collaborating and Doing the Real Work Together (Katzenbach, J. R. & Smith)