Getting to Know You
Unique Similarities
Student Instructions
One of your team members or the Recorder will need to record the results
of this exercise. Put your Team Number or Team Name and each individual
team members names on the sheet send electronically to ______________.
- Pick a Team Leader. The Team Leader will facilitate the exercise.
- Pick a Recorder.
- The recorder will record the results and e-mail them to ________________.
- Talk with each other and find facts about each of you that are similar.
The goal is to be the team that finds the most unique similarities.
- The similarities must be amongst all of you
- The similarities must come from your lives before you came to MIT
- Only those similarities that are unique to one team will be counted.
If another team comes up with the same similarity it will be discounted
for both.
- Visible common traits will not count
- Preferences will not count.
- You may use whatever tools and techniques you deem appropriate