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Ground Rules

Ground rules are established during the initial two team meetings. The rules are reviewed as a problems with conflicts become apparent in the team. Use the dialogues (merged questionnaires) to go over the ground rules, make adjustments, and come to consensus in areas where there is a difference in perspective. Ground rules support the team members in understanding the framework or structure of the team. Ground rules help to establish, clearly define, and develop mutual understanding about the team's culture. Knowledge teams working in laboratories function in five major environments: laboratories, paper writing, individual oral presentations, communicating with your faculty advisor and/or industrial advisor, and the team coordinator. A standard of behavior will need to be established in all five areas. These are your ground rules. These rules are in writing. The rules are specific, clear, and concise. Copies of the ground rules are sent to designated people.

Procedure to follow to formulate ground rules

  1. Merge questionnaires into dialogues and use to establish ground rules
  2. Make sure to cover all areas of team interaction and plan ahead
  3. Decide which norms will support high performance
  4. Reinforce positive ways to communicate support and utilize the team's strength to be high performing
  5. Discuss team ethics
  6. Make an agreement to help each other to meet the team's goals
  7. Commit to fulfilling your personal responsibility
  8. Commit to being on time
  9. Commit to preparing materials in advance
  10. Commit to sharing ideas
  11. Commit to support each other in work
  12. Share the work equitably