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Team Reporting Activities

Progress Report

Faculty Instructions for Grading of Progress Reports, Agendas, and Minutes:

Progress Reports:

Excellent A+

Follows format of template

Team progress report is numbered sequentially

States team leader and team #

States dates of meetings and who attended each meeting

Action plans are sent as attachment or in body of report

Clear and concise summary of week's meetings. Summary provides enough information so team coordinator can clearly understand how the team is actually performing the task

States decisions reached

States tasks accomplished

Monthly Planner Attached when indicated

States task to do for following week as described in action plan

States communications to faculty advisor: (i.e. questions about technical matters, oral presentation; written reports)

States communications to support staff (i.e. equipment needed)

States communications to team coordinator

A+ Excellent

All Items Present

Action Plan exceptionally well thought out, clear and concise with time management issues accurately included

Very Good A

Bolded items must be present

Missing one item

Action Plan clear and concise

Good A-

Bolded items must be present

Missing two items

Action Plan clear and concise

Above Average B+

Bolded items must be present

Missing three items

Action Plan clear and concise

Average B

One bolded item missing

Action Plan not clear and concise

Below Average B-

More than one bolded item missing Summary needs improvement

Poor C

More than one bolded item missing and little specificity in summary

Action Plan needs much improvement



Excellent A +

Follows format in template

Follows agenda

Clear and specific

When given feedback from team coordinator responds promptly


Clearly explains experiment procedures done, task allocation, and results of data when discussed at meetings

Lists brainstorming ideas stating different perspectives, including decision making process

Lists final decisions clearly and specifically

Lists who is responsible for which tasks

States schedule of next meeting

States assignments for monthly planner

Does monthly planner and submits to team coordinator

All action items clearly stated

Details of team and/or task process

Lists suggestions from faculty advisor

Lists items handled in lab in the past week

Very Good A

Bolded items must be present

Missing one item

Good A-

Bolded items must be present

Missing two items

Above Average B+

Bolded items must be present

Missing three items

Average B

One bolded item missing

Missing 4 items

Below Average B-

More than one bolded item missing

Missing 5 items

Poor C

More than one bolded item missing

Missing 6 items



Excellent A+

all items must be done

Timeliness or communication to team coordinator or advisor if changed

Clarity and specificity

Lists Place, Time and Date of Meeting, How long will meeting be?

Estimates time for each agenda item

States Key Topic of Meeting

States Importance and deadline for key topic

Provides time for comments on agenda on each topic

Defines goals for the meeting with time to discuss listed

States any problems from last meeting to discuss

Assigns Team priorities for these issues with time to address

Leaves time to brainstorm solutions, prioritize and categorize the solutions

Discusses Time Management at every meeting.

Reviews monthly planner

Lists action steps you feel should be taken on each item

Provides time for feedback from team on issues discussed at the meeting

Provides ten minutes at end of meeting to discuss team issues

Provides time to summarize meeting for team

Tentative action plans or completed action plans to be reviewed sent as attachment

Very Good A

Missing one of the above items

Good A-

Missing 2 of the above items

Average B+ to B

Missing 3-5 of the above items

Below Average B-

Missing 6-8 of the above items

Poor C

Missing more than eight items