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Planning and Executing Your Project


Resources Planning

Resources Planning entails determining what resources (people, equipment, materials, tools) should be used to perform project activities, and how much of each resources is required. In a team technology is more complex and the structure needs to be more specific and concise. In order to accomplish the goal it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the reliability of the resources and technologies available. Viewing your team members as part of the team’s resources is also integral to the success of the team. On a real project resource planning would be closely coordinated with cost estimating and budgeting.

Knowledge needed to do Resource Planning

List and describe resources (strengths and weaknesses) of each individual that will be needed for your project (include resources needed to do experiment, oral presentation and written paper). Resources include technical knowledge your team already possesses relating to the project. These technical skills and knowledge will be of interest to laboratory staff and faculty advisor and other team members. How will each team member's technical abilities impact upon the completion of the project?


Team Member #1
Team Member #2:
Team Member #3:
Team Member #4

Written Paper:

Team Member #1:
Team Member #2:
Team Member #3:
Team Member #4:

Oral Presentation:

Team Member #1:
Team Member #2:
Team Member #3:
Team Member #4:

Are there any changes you wish to make in your scope statement now that you have this new information? If so, go back and change the scope.

Special Knowledge is needed to develop and apply methods, equipment, and tools to produce a particular outcome. What do you have to read and learn to perform the experiment, oral presentation and written papers? Only list those items necessary for the project that will take extra time to learn.

Other Resources: List the other people and any other resources you will need - i.e. equipment, other staff members, teaching assistants. Then remember to include them in your action plan when needed.


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