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Planning and Executing Your Project



What are the most likely obstacles your team will face during the project? Examine your goals, resources planning, and activity lists and attempt to anticipate possible problems. List them here and think about how you will use this information.


How will you determine when you are successful or have reached an important goal? Write your milestones here:


Action Plans or Project Management Schedule


Now you have everything you need to handle Schedule Development and Schedule Changes. An action plan is used to improve work or task process by allowing you to make informed decisions about task assignments and work methods. Coordinated and collaborative action plans are important, otherwise individuals can create conflict and dissatisfaction with other team members when trying to improve their personal working process. An action plan has the shared objectives of all the team members.

Use your activity lists, time estimates, and milestones to create the three action plans that are needed to run your team efficiently.


  1. You have Defined the Problem
  2. You have conducted the Literature Search
  3. You have developed Solution Options
  4. You have created a Mission Statement
  5. You have pictured the whole task process in the Scope Statement
  6. You have down the Work Breakdown Statement
  7. You have identified long and short term goals and sub goals of the team members.
  8. You have addressed your resource requirements (in knowledge, skills, materials, people, and equipment).
  9. You have created Activity Lists, which mean you have brainstormed a list of all major activities, input, outputs and decisions from the beginning to the end of the project
  10. You have sequenced the steps and described how you will decide who will do what part of each step. (Staying away from minute details)
  11. You have defined how long each part of the task should take each team member
  12. (this doesn’t make sense to me)You have defined the Obstacles including unexpected complexities, problem, redundancies, unnecessary loops
  13. You have broken down your goals and sub goals into milestones. You should determine the boundaries of each milestone so that it is apparent when they have been reached.
  14. Using the activity lists and action plan template find the steps for each milestone.
  15. Compare and contrast the actual versus the ideal flow of process for each milestone, using the Activity List you created and
  16. Try to decide on the time it will take to complete the project.
  17. Identify areas for improvement.
  18. You have now provided a complete picture of the work process so team members can come to consensus about the action plan


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