William J. Mitchell and Michael L. Dertouzos (Editors)
July 1997
1. Summary
1.1 Principal Recommendation: Initiate Project
1.2 Educational Philosophy: A Time to Experiment
1.3 The Experimental Framework
1.4 Creating the Necessary Infrastructure
1.5 Building on MIT's Comparative Advantage
1.6 Building on Our Human Resources
1.7 Engaging Industry and Foundation Partners
1.8 Organization of the Project
2. Vision
2.1 Educational Uses of New Analytical and Synthetic Tools
2.2 Educational Uses of New Information Linkage Tools
2.3 Learning Through Collaboration
2.4 Lifelong Learning
2.5 The Re-Invented Campus
2.6 A New Sense of Place
2.7 The Vision's Guiding Assumptions
2.8 Summary of Project Goals
3. Context
3.1 Charge from the President
3.2 Relation to Other Councils and Task Forces
3.3 A Context of Global Change
3.4 Particular Challenges to Universities
3.5 New Opportunities for Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration
3.6 Relating Technological Innovation to Educational
4. Purpose
4.1 MIT's General Goals
4.2 The Promise of Educational Technology
4.3 The Pitfalls
4.4 Specific Objectives
4.5 The Risk/Reward Balance
4.6 Implementation Philosophy and Strategy
5. Recommendations
Recommendation 1: Undertake a Five-Year Project
Recommendation 2: Pursue Educational Experiments
Recommendation 3: Integrate Physical and Electronic Facilities
Recommendation 4: Create the MII
Recommendation 5: Athena Transition Strategy
Recommendation 6: The Libraries, MIT Press, and CAES
Recommendation 7: Industry and Foundation Partners
Recommendation 8: Organization
Appendix 1: Council Membership
Appendix 2: Overview of Athena
Appendix 3: MIT's Production and Publication Capabilities
Appendix 4: MIT's Libraries