MIT Presidential Task Force
on Student Life and Learning

Report of the MIT InterFraternity Council
Committee on R/O Proposals

Fall 1997

Appendix B

Educational Proposal for Orientation


The purpose of this proposal is to provide a comprehensive program that may be used to educate freshmen on the topics that they need to know as college students.

Recommendation for Implementation

We would like to recommend that, with the exception of a few topics that take more exposure to MIT to appreciate, all of this program be given during Orientation. Most of the topics that we suggest are immediately applicable, even necessary. We would ask that this program be given at least a total of three hours during Orientation to cover the basics. However, to preserve the continuity it would be ideal if a total of six hours, as well as the seven hour First Aid program were given during Orientation. For those topics that should definitely be covered during the term, we estimate a total of three hours within the first three weeks should be adequate. Additionally, the program should be given in groups of no more than 25; this should allow the freshmen ample opportunity to get tot know the people in their group, as well as allow for further questions and discussion. The groups could be led by the MOYA leaders, if such a program will still exist, but a group leader should go through at least four hours of training specifically for this program. We do not expect that all freshmen will retain all the information presented. It would thus be most helpful if a kind of reference book based on the topics covered in the program was distributed, and that this would also be available on the web. Many existing programs and resources have expressed a willingness to help with the details and implementation of this program; we hope that their input will be accepted and utilized.

Listing of Topics

This list is what we feel would be a good ordering for the topics. Additional topics may be added if it is felt to be beneficial; however, this is what we consider to be a minimum listing. Following each topic in parentheses is a partial listing of resources that address the topic, estimated minimum time to be spent on the topic, and when the topic should be covered (during the Term or Orientation).

I. Interpersonal Skills

b. Dating Practices at MIT (Anyone, 5 min., Orientation)
c. Gender Sensitivity (WomenÕs Collective and Genderworks, 15 min. to 1 hour, either Orientation or Term)
d. Race Relations (Committee on Race Relations, 15 min. to 1 hour, either time)
e. Sexuality Awareness (GAMIT, 15 min. to 1 hour, either time)
f. Peer Pressure (Anyone, 15 min., Orientation)

II. Health

a. Diet (MedCenter, 5 min., Term)
b. Stress Management (MedCenter, 5 min., Term)
c. Exercise (MedCenter and Athletic Dept., 5 min., Term)
d. Depression/Mental Health (MedCenter and Deans, 10 min., Orientation)
e. Sleep/Time Management (MedCenter, 10 min., Orientation)

III. Emergency Options

a. 911, x100, and Memorial Drive Call Boxes (CPs, 5 min., Orientation)
b. CPR and First Aid (Red Cross, 7 hours, Orientation or Term)
c. Emergencies with Substances (CPs and MedCenter, 30 min., Term)
d. Fire (CPs and Fire Department, 5 min., Term)

IV. Risk Behaviors

a. Safe Sex Practices (MedCenter, 5 min., Orientation)
b. Alcohol
i. Safe Drinking Practices (CPs and MedCenter, 5 min., should be both Orientation AND Term)
ii. Effects of Drinking (same as above)
iii. Warning Signals (same as above)
iv. Determining Limits (same as above)
v. Binge Drinking (same as above)
vi. Alcoholism (same as above)
c. Drugs
i. Illegal (CPs and MedCenter, Term)
ii. Legal: Caffeine, Tobacco, etc. (same as above)

V. Legal Responsibilities

These should all be covered during the Term, and possibly just the packet given to the freshmen.

a. Voting, Residency, Jury Duty
b. Misdemeanors and Felonies
c. Taxes
d. MIT Policies for Students
e. Hazing

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