Subjects for 2024-2025
CI‑M subjects fulfill the CI component for the designated major(s). Non-majors who enroll in these subjects will have the same educational experience, but will not receive CI credit for completing these subjects. Check the degree charts in the MIT Bulletin to identify the CI‑M subjects for your major program(s).
1 Civil and Environmental Engineering
1-ENG (Mechanics & Materials Track and Systems Track)
1-ENG (Environment Track)
*with prerequisite subject 1.101
1-12 Climate System Science and Engineering
*with prerequisite subject 1.101
3 Materials Science and Engineering
and one of:
*3.010 and 3.020 are each partial CI-Ms which combine to satisfy one CI-M in Course 3. Students who had completed 3.014 Materials Laboratory prior to the 2020-2021 academic year may use this subject in place of 3.010 and 3.020.
4 Architecture
4* and 4B
*Students who complete 4.023 Architecture Design Studio I during Academic Year 2024-2025 may use it in place of 4.ThT as one of their two Architecture track CI-Ms.
6 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Subjects in Course 6 were renumbered effective AY22-23. Original numbers are appended to the title where applicable.
6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-P
two of:
6-7 Computer Science and Molecular Biology
- Subjects in Course 6 were renumbered effective AY22-23. Original numbers are appended to the title.
6-9 Computation and Cognition
- Subjects in Course 6 were renumbered effective AY22-23. Original numbers are appended to the title.
Two of:
9 Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Two of:
10 Chemical Engineering
One of:
Or both
3.010 Structure of Materials (partial CI-M to be combined with 3.020) 3.020 Thermodynamics of Materials (partial CI-M to be combined with 3.010) and a second subject from the first list (with 10C advisor approval) or one of:
Two of:
or one subject from the first list and both:
3.010 Structure of Materials (partial CI-M to be combined with 3.020) 3.020 Thermodynamics of Materials (partial CI-M to be combined with 3.010) or one subject from the first list and one of:
14 Economics
One of:
14.05 Intermediate Macroeconomics 14.18 Mathematical Economic Modeling 14.33 Research and Communication in Economics: Topics, Methods, and Implementation 14.35 Why Markets Fail and one of:
15 Management
18 Mathematics
Two from the list below:
Two from the list below:
or one from the above list and one of:
21 Humanities
If you are proposing a Course 21 major, your program of study must include two CI-M subjects, generally sequenced so that you will take one in your junior year and one in your senior year. You will propose these subjects, in consultation with the faculty advisor in the interdisciplinary field, when you make the program proposal. In most cases, these subjects will be selected from among the advanced subjects serving as CI-Ms for major programs in adjacent disciplines, e.g., a student designing a major in American studies might propose a subject serving as CI-M for history majors.
CI-M subjects for interdisciplinary programs will be reviewed by the SHASS academic administrator and the Associate Dean for Curriculum and Faculty Support, on behalf of SOCR, before the proposal is submitted to the dean of SHASS for approval. If a CI-M subject has not been reviewed and approved by SOCR, you will need to petition SOCR to have the subject approved prior to submitting the program proposal to the dean of SHASS.Download the Petition for Declaration of CI-Ms for Course 21 Major.
21E and 21S
21E and 21S are joint programs that combine humanities with engineering or scientific studies. Each 21E or 21S program must include two CI-M subjects. Normally, students will be expected to complete one CI-M subject from each area of study, usually chosen from the subjects designated as CI-M for the full major. Contact the Office of the Communication Requirement for further information.
Download the Petition for Declaration of CI-Ms for Course 21 E/S Major.
21G Global Studies and Languages
Registration for the above must be simultaneous with one of the following:
Registration for the above must be simultaneous with one of the following:
Registration for the above must be simultaneous with one of the following:
21L Literature
two of:
21M Music
and one of the following:
21M.220 Medieval and Renaissance Music 21M.235 Baroque and Classic Music 21M.260 Music since 1900
21T Theater Arts
- Subjects in Theater Arts were renumbered effective AY24-25. Original numbers are appended to the title.
Two of:
21W Writing
One of:
24 Linguistics and Philosophy
One of:
24-2 (Linguistics Track)
24-2 (Philosophy Track)