The Conner 5 Kitchen
Floor motto that never was: Our guys can cook.
One of the best things about Burton Conner is that it's the only dorm with a
suite system, whereeach suite has its own bathroom, kitchen and dining area.
Here on Conner Five, we take full advantage of our high kitchen-to-person ratio.
Many floor members opt to cook nightly rather than subject themselves to the
questionable offerings of Aramark.
Here are some of the recipes they've decided to share:
A few notes about cooking or baking:
- Always clean up after yourself IMMEDIATELY when you are done! (There's nothing
more aggravating to a cook than a dirty kitchen!)
- Always turn off the stove or oven when you are finished.
- And never place plastic or a plate of food on a hot stove! (It's called
setting off the smoke alarm!)
But, enough with the warnings (I get enough of those from my parents.)Have
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people . kitchen
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we do . pictures
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