Adobe LiveCycle Designer
Version 7.0
Scripting Readme File |
December 2004 |
Copyright 2004 Adobe Corporation. All rights reserved.
This file contains important information that was not available when the product documentation was written. Review this information before running this version of Adobe® LiveCycle™ Designer.
Supported Versions of JavaScript
New mandatoryMessage and formatMessage Properties for Field Type Objects
Calculate Event Does Not Fire Automatically after Adding or Removing a Subform
FormCalc Get, Post, and Put Functions Do Not Fire for the Initialize Event in Acrobat 7.0
Supported Versions of JavaScript
Designer supports JavaScript version 1.5 and earlier.
Note: If you want to create forms to render to HTML using Adobe Form Server, then you should conform to the version of JavaScript supported by the client web browser of your form users.
New mandatoryMessage and formatMessage Properties for Field Type Objects
New mandatoryMessage and formatMessage properties were added to Designer after the completion of the Designer Help.
These properties allow form authors who are familiar with the XML Form Object Model to write script to set the Empty Message and Validation Pattern Message for a field through script. They function in a similar way to the validationMessage property and are supported by Adobe Acrobat®, Adobe Reader, and HTML clients.
Calculate Event Does Not Fire Automatically after Adding or Removing a Subform
If you add or remove an instance of a subform, the Calculate event does not automatically fire and update calculations that include values from the added or deleted subform. To update calculations you must update the script to invoke the recalculate method for the form. This example to recalculate the form after adding an instance of a subform appears in the Dynamic Interactive Purchase Order Sample:
// Invoke the Instance Manager to add one instance of the detail subform.
//Invoke the recalculate method to include the field values from the added subform in calculations.
FormCalc Get, Post, and Put Functions Do Not Execute for the Initialize Event in Acrobat 7.0
The FormCalc Get, Post, and Put functions will only execute if the form is certified. Acrobat 7 cannot verify that the form is certified until after the initialize event has run. You can use the docReady event to call the Get, Post, and Put functions on certified forms prior to the rendering of the form.
The Designer help does not describe all occasions that the initialize scripting event fires. The event fires in these circumstances:
Scripting Readme File -- Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.0 --