MATLAB Tutorial

Chapter 1. Basic MATLAB commands

1.1 Basic scalar operations

% First, let's talk about how we add comments (such as this line)
% to a program.  Comments are lines of text that we want to add
% to explain what we are doing, so that if we or others read this
% code later, it will be easier to figure out what the code is doing.
% In a MATLAB file, if a percentage sign, %, appears in a row of
% text, all of the text following the sign is a comment that MATLAB
% does not try to interpret as a command.

% First, let us write a message to the screen to say that we
% are beginning to run section 1.1.

% The command disp('string') displays the text string to the screen.
disp('Beginning section 1.1 ...')

% Next, we set a variable equal to one.

% This command both allocates a space in memory for the variable x,
% if x has not already been declared, and then stores the value of
% 1 in the memory location associated with this variable.  It also
% writes to the screen "x = 1".  Usually, we do not want to
% clutter the screen with output such as this, so we can make the
% command "invisible" by ending it with a semi-colon.  As an
% example, let us use the following commands to "invisibly" change
% the value of x to 2 and then to write out the results to the screen.
x=2;  % this changes the value of x but does not write to the screen
disp('We have changed the value of x.');

% Then, we display the value of x by typing "x" without a semi-colon.

% Now, let's see how to declare other variables.
y = 2*x;  % This initializes the value of y to twice that of x
x = x + 1;  % This increases the value of x by 1.
z = 2*x;   % This declares another variable z.

% z does not equal y because the value of x changed between the
% times when we declared each variable.
difference = z - y

% Next, we want to see the list of variables that are stored
% in memory.  To do this, we use the command "who".

% We can get more information by using "whos".

% These commands can be used also to get information about
% only certain variables.
whos z difference;

% Let us say we want to get rid of the variable "difference".
% We do this using the command "clear".
clear difference;

% Next, we want to get rid of the variables x and y.
% Again, we use the command "clear".
clear x y;

% It is generally good programming style to write only one command
% per line; however, MATLAB does let you put multiple commands on
% a line.
x = 5; y = 13; w = 2*x + y; who;

% More commonly one wishes to continue a single command across
% multiple lines due to the length of the syntax.  This can be
% accomplished by using three dots.
z = 2*x + ...

% Finally, when using clear we can get rid of all of the variables
% at once with the command "clear all".
clear all;
who;  % It does not print out anything because there are no variables.

1.2. Basic vector operations

% The simplest, but NOT RECOMMENDED, way to declare a variable
% is by entering the components one-by-one.
x(1) = 1;
x(2) = 4;
x(3) = 6;
% display contents of x

% It is generally better to declare a vector all at once, because
% then MATLAB knows how much memory it needs to allocate
% from the start.  For large vectors, this is much more efficient.
y = [1 4 6]  % does same job as code above

% Note that this declares a row vector.  To get a column vector,
% we can either use the transpose (adjoint for complex x) operator
xT = x';  % takes the transpose of the real row vector x
% or, we can make it a column vector right from the beginning
yT = [1; 4; 6];

% To see the difference in the dimensions of a row vs. a column
% vector, use the command "size" that returns the dimensions
% of a vector or matrix.
% The command length works on both row and column vectors.
length(x), length(xT)

% Adding or subtracting two vectors is similar to scalars.
z = x + y
w = xT - yT

% Multiplying a vector by a scalar is equally straight-forward.
v = 2*x
c = 4;
v2 = c*x

% We can also use the . operator to tell MATLAB to perform a given
% operation on an element-by-element basis.  Let us say we want to
% set each value of y such that y(i) = 2*x(i) + z(i)^2 + 1.
% We can do this using the code
y = 2.*x + z.^2 + 1

% The dot and cross products of two vectors are calculated by

% We can define a vector also using the notation [a : d : b].  This
% produces a vector a, a + d, a + 2*d, a + 3*d, ... until we get to
% an integer n where a + n*d > b.  Look at the two examples.
v = [0 : 0.1: 0.5];
v2 = [0 : 0.1: 0.49];

% If we want a vector with N evenly spaced points from a to b,
% we use the command "linspace(a,b,N)".
v2 = linspace(0,1,5)

% Sometimes, we will use a vector later in the program, but want
% to initialize it at the beginning to zero and by so doing allocate
% a block of memory to store it.  This is done by
v = linspace(0,0,100)';  % allocate memory for column vectors of zero

% Finally, we can use integer counting variables to access one or
% more elements of a matrix.
v2 = [0 : 0.01 : 100];
w = v2(65:70)

clear all

1.3. Basic matrix operations

% We can declare a matrix and give it a value directly.
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]

% We can use commas to separate the elements on a line as well.
B = [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9]

% We can build a matrix from row vectors
row1 = [1 2 3]; row2 = [4 5 6]; row3 = [7 8 9];
C = [row1; row2; row3]

% or from column vectors.
column1 = [1; 4; 7];
column2 = [2; 5; 8];
column3 = [3; 6; 9];
D = [column1 column2 column3]

% Several matrices can be joined to create a larger one.
M = [A B; C D]

% We can extract row or column vectors from a matrix.
row1 = C(1,:)
column2 = D(:,2)

% Or, we make a vector or another matrix by extracting
% a subset of the elements.
v = M(1:4,1)
w = M(2,2:4)
C = M(1:4,2:5)

% The transpose of a real matrix is obtained using the ' operator
D = A'
C, C'

% For a complex matrix, ' returns the adjoint (transpose and
% conjugate.  The conjugation operation is removed by using
% the "transpose only" command .'
E = D;
E(1,2) = E(1,2) + 3*i;
E(2,1) = E(2,1) - 2*i;
E', E.'

% The "who" command lists the matrices in addition to
% scalar and vector variables.

% If in addition we want to see the dimensions of each
% variable, we use the "whos" command.  This tells use the
% size of each variable and the amount of memory storage
% that each requires.

% The command "size" tells us the size of a matrix.
M = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12];
num_rows = size(M,1)
num_columns = size(M,2)

% Adding, subtracting, and multiplying matrices is
% straight-forward.
D = A + B
D = A - B
D = A*B

% We can declare matrices in a number of ways.

% We can create a matrix with m rows and n columns, all
% containing zeros by
m=3; n=4;
C = zeros(m,n)

% If we want to make an N by N square matrix, we only
% need to use one index.
C = zeros(n)

% We create an Identity matrix, where all elements are
% zero except for those on the principle diagonal, which
% are one.
D = eye(5)

% Finally, we can use the . operator to perform element-by-element
% operations just as we did for vectors.  The following command
% creates a matrix C, such that C(i,j) = 2*A(i,j) + (B(i,j))^2.
C = 2.*A + B.^2

% Matrices are cleared from memory along with all other variables.
clear A B
clear all

1.4. Using character strings

% In MATLAB, when we print out the results, we often want to
% explain the output with text.  For this, character strings
% are useful.  In MATLAB, a character string is
% written with single quotation marks on each end.
course_name = 'Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering'

% To put an apostrophe inside a string, we repeat it twice to
% avoid confusing it with the ' operator ending the string.
phrase2 = 'Course''s name is : ';
disp(phrase2), disp(course_name)

% We can also combine strings in a similar manner to working
% with vectors and matrices of numbers.
word1 = 'Numerical'; word2 = 'Methods'; word3='Course';
phrase3 = [word1, word2, word3]

% We see that this does not include spaces, so we use instead
phrase4 = [word1, ' ', word2, ' ', word3]

% We can convert an integer to a string using the command "int2str".
icount = 1234;
phrase5 = ['Value of icount = ', int2str(icount)]

% Likewise, we can convert a floating point number of a string of
% k digits using "num2str(number,k)".
Temp = 29.34372820092983674;
phrase6 = ['Temperature = ',num2str(Temp,5)]
phrase7 = ['Temperature = ',num2str(Temp,10)]

clear all

1.5. Basic mathematical operations


% We have already seen how to add, subtract, and multiply
% numbers.  We have also used on occasion the ^ operator
% where x^y raises x to the power y.
2^3, 2^3.3, 2.3^3.3, 2.3^(1/3.3), 2.3^(-1/3.3)

% The square root operation is given its own name.
sqrt(27), sqrt(37.4)

% Operators for use in analyzing the signs of numbers include
abs(2.3), abs(-2.3)    % returns absolute value of a number
sign(2.3), sign(-2.3), sign(0)  % returns sign of a number

% The commands for taking exponents and logs are
a=exp(2.3)  % computes e^x
log(a)      % computer the natural log
log10(a)    % computes the base 10 log


% The numerical value of pi can be invoked directly
pi, 2*pi


% The standard trigonometric functions are
sin(0), sin(pi/2), sin(pi), sin(3*pi/2)
cos(0), cos(pi/2), cos(pi), cos(3*pi/2)
tan(pi/4), cot(pi/4), sec(pi/4), csc(pi/4)

% Their inverses are

% The hyperbolic functions are
sinh(pi/4), cosh(pi/4), tanh(pi/4), coth(pi/4)
sech(pi/4), csch(pi/4)
% with inverses
asinh(0.5), acosh(0.5), atanh(0.5), acoth(0.5)
asech(0.5), acsch(0.5)

% These operators can be used with vectors in the following
% manner.
x=linspace(0,pi,6)  % create vector of x values between 0 and pi
y=sin(x)   % each y(i) = sin(x(i))


% round(x) : returns integer closest to real number x
round(1.1), round(1.8)

% fix(x) : returns integer closest to x in direction towards 0
fix(-3.1), fix(-2.9), fix(2.9), fix(3.1)

% floor(x) : returns closest integer less than or equal to x
floor(-3.1), floor(-2.9), floor(2.9), floor(3.1)

% ceil(x) : returns closest integer greater than or equal to x
ceil(-3.1), ceil(-2.9), ceil(2.9), ceil(3.1)

% rem(x,y) : returns the remainder of the integer division x/y
rem(3,2), rem(898,37), rem(27,3)

% mod(x,y) : calculates the modulus, the remainder from real division


% A complex number is declared using i (or j) for the square
% root of -1.
z = 3.1-4.3*i
conj(z)  % returns conjugate, conj(a+ib) = a - ib
real(z)  % returns real part of z, real(a+ib) = a
imag(z)  % returns imaginary part of z, imag(a+ib) = b
abs(z)  % returns absolute value (modulus), a^2+b^2
angle(z) % returns phase angle theta with z = r*exp(i*theta)
abs(z)*exp(i*angle(z))  % returns z

% For complex matrices, the operator ' calculates the
% adjoint matrix, i.e. it transposes the matrix and takes
% the conjugate of each element
A = [1+i, 2+2*i; 3+3*i, 4+4*i]
A'  % takes conjugate transpose (adjoint operation)
A.' % takes transpose without conjugating elements


% 2-D polar coordinates (theta,r) are related to Cartesian
% coordinates by
x=1; y=1;
[theta,r] = cart2pol(x,y)
[x,y] = pol2cart(theta,r)

% 3-D spherical coordinates (alpha,theta,r) are obtained
% from Cartesian coordinates by
x=1; y=1; z=1;
[alpha,theta,r] = cart2sph(x,y,z)
[x,y,z] = sph2cart(alpha,theta,r)

clear all