% Programs for numerical simulation often involve repeating
% a set of commands many times. In MATLAB, we instruct
% the computer to repeat a block of code by using a
% for loop. A simple example of a for loop is
for i=1:10 % repeats code for i=1,2,...,10
i %
print out the value of the loop counter
end % This
ends the section of code that is repeated.
% The counter can be incremented by values other than +1.
for i=1:2:10
% This example shows that the counter variables takes on the
% values 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. After 9, the code next tries i=11,
% but as 11 is greater than 10 (is not less than or equal to
% 10) it does not perform the code for this iteration, and
% instead exits the for loop.
for i=10:-1:1
% As the value of the counter integer is changed from one
% to the next, a common use of for blocks is to perform a given
% set of operations on different elements of a vector or a
% matrix. This use of for loops is demonstrated in the
% below.
% Complex structures can be made by nesting for loops within
% one another. The nested for loop structure below
% multiplies an (m x p) matrix with a (p x n) matrix.
A = [1 2 3 4; 11 12 13 14; 21 22 23 24]; % A is 3 x 4
B = [1 2 3; 11 12 13; 21 22 23; 31 32 33]; % B is 4 x 3
im = size(A,1); % m is number of rows of A
ip = size(A,2); % p is number of columns of A
in = size(B,2); % n is number of columns of B
C = zeros(im,in); % allocate memory for m x n matrix
containing 0's
% now we multiply the matrices
for i=1:im % iterate
over each row of C
for j=1:in % iterate over
each element in row
for k=1:ip % sum over
elements to calculate C(i,j)
C(i,j) = C(i,j)
+ A(i,k)*B(k,j);
C % print out results of code
A*B % MATLAB's routine does the same thing
clear all
% In writing programs, we often need to make decisions based
% on the values of variables in memory. This requires
% operators, for example to discern when two numbers are equal.
% Common relational operators in MATLAB are :
% eq(a,b) returns 1 if a is equal to b, otherwise it returns 0
eq(1,2), eq(1,1)
eq(8.7,8.7), eq(8.7,8.71)
% When used with vectors or matrices, eq(a,b) returns an array
% of the same size as a and b with elements of zero where a is
% not equal b and ones where a equals b. This usage is
% demonstrated for the examples below.
u = [1 2 3]; w = [4 5 6]; v = [1 2 3]; z = [1 4 3];
eq(u,w), eq(u,v), eq(u,z)
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; B = [1 4 3; 5 5 6; 7 9 9];
% this operation can also be called using ==
(1 == 2), (1 == 1), (8.7 == 8.7), (8.7 == 8.71)
% ne(a,b) returns 1 if a is not equal to b, otherwise it
returns 0
ne(1,2), ne(1,1)
ne(8.7,8.7), ne(8.7,8.71)
ne(u,w), ne(u,v), ne(u,z)
% another way of calling this operation is to use ~=
(1 ~= 2), (1 ~= 1), (8.7 ~= 8.7), (8.7 ~= 8.71)
% lt(a,b) returns 1 if a is less than b, otherwise it returns
lt(1,2), lt(2,1), lt(1,1)
lt(8.7,8.71), lt(8.71,8.7), lt(8.7,8.7)
% another way of performing this operation is to use <
(1 < 2), (1 < 1), (2 < 1)
% le(a,b) returns 1 if a is less than or equal to b, otherwise
le(1,2), le(2,1), le(1,1)
le(8.7,8.71), le(8.71,8.7), le(8.7,8.7)
% this operation is also performed using <=
(1 <= 1), (1 <= 2), (2 <= 1)
% gt(a,b) returns 1 if a is greater than b, otherwise 0
gt(1,2), gt(2,1), gt(1,1)
gt(8.7,8.71), gt(8.71,8.7), gt(8.7,8.7)
% this operation is also performed using >
(1 > 2), (1 > 1), (2 > 1)
% ge(a,b) returns 1 if a is greater than or equal to b,
otherwise 0
ge(1,2), ge(2,1), ge(1,1)
ge(8.7,8.71), ge(8.71,8.7), ge(8.7,8.7)
% this operation is also performed using >=
(1 >= 1), (1 >= 2), (2 >= 1)
% These operations can be combined to perform more complex
% logical tests.
% (logic1)&(logic2) returns 0 unless both logic1 and logic2
% are not equal to zero
i1 = 1; i2 = 0; i3=-1;
(i1 & i1), (i1 & i2), (i2 & i1), (i2 & i2), (i1
& i3)
% This operation can be extended to multiple operations more
% by using the command all(vector1), that returns 1 if all of the
% elements of vector1 are nonzero, otherwise it returns 0
all([i1 i2 i3]), all([i1 i1 i3])
% or(logic1,logic2) returns 1 if one of either logic1 or
% logic2 is not equal to zero or if they are both unequal to zero.
or(i1,i2), or(i1,i3), or(i2,i2)
% This operation can be extended to more than two logical
% variables using the command any(vector1), that returns 1
% if any of the elements of vector1 are nonzero, otherwise
% it returns 0.
any([i1 i2 i3]), any([i2 i2 i2]), any([i1 i2 i2 i2]),
% Used less often in scientific computing is the exclusive or
% construction xor(logic1,logic2) that returns 1 only if one of
% logic1 or logic2 is nonzero, but not both.
xor(i1,i1), xor(i2,i2), xor(i1,i2)
% We use these relational operations to decide whether to
% perform a block of code using an if structure that has
% the general form.
logictest1 = 0; logictest2 = 1; logictest3 = 0;
disp('Executing block 1');
disp('Executing block 2');
disp('Executing block 3');
disp('Execute end block');
% The last block of code is executed if none of the ones
% it has been performed.
logictest1 = 0; logictest2 = 0; logictest3 = 0;
disp('Executing block 1');
disp('Executing block 2');
disp('Executing block 3');
disp('Execute end block');
% An if loop will not execute more than one block of code.
% If more than one logictest variable is not equal to
% zero, then the first one it encounters is the one
% it performs.
logictest1 = 0; logictest2 = 1; logictest3 = 1;
disp('Executing block 1');
disp('Executing block 2');
disp('Executing block 3');
disp('Execute end block');
% If structures are often used in conjunction with for loops.
% For example, the following routine adds the components of
% a vector to the principal diagonal of a matrix that is the
% sum of two matrices A and B.
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
B = [11 12 13; 14 15 16; 17 18 19];
u = [10 10 10];
for i=1:3
for j=1:3
C(i,j) = A(i,j)
+ B(i,j) + u(i);
C(i,j) = A(i,j)
+ B(i,j);
% As an alternative to if blocks, case structures can be used
% chose among various alternatives.
for i=1:4
switch i;
case {1}
disp('i is one');
case {2}
disp('i is two');
case {3}
disp('i is three');
disp('i is not one,
two, or three');
clear all
% A WHILE loops performs a block of code as long
% as the logical test expression returns a non-zero
% value.
error = 283.4;
tol = 1;
factor = 0.9;
while (error > tol)
error = factor*error;
% If factor >= 1, then the value of error will increase and
% the while loop will not terminate. A better way, in
% to accomplish the job above is to use a for loop to place
% an upper limit to the number of iterations that will be
% performed. A "break" command stops the
iteration of the
% most deeply nested for loop and is called when the condition
% (error < tol) is reached.
error = 283.4;
tol = 1;
factor = 0.9;
iter_max = 10000;
iflag = 0; % signifies goal not reached
for iter=1:iter_max
if(error <= tol)
iflag = 1; %
signifies goal reached
error = factor*error;
if(iflag==0) % write message saying that goal not
disp('Goal not reached');
disp(['error = ' num2str(error)]);
disp(['tol = ',num2str(tol)]);
clear all
% In MATLAB, the basic command to write output to the
% screen is "disp".
disp('The disp command writes a character string to the screen.');
% When writing integer or real numbers to the screen,
% the "int2str" and "num2str" commands should
% used (for more details see chapter 1 of the tutorial.
i = 2934;
x = 83.3847;
disp(['i = ' int2str(i)]);
disp(['x = ' num2str(i)]);
% The standard command for allowing the user to input
% data from the keyboard is "input".
i = input('Input integer i : ');
x = input('Input real x : ');
v = input('Input vector v : '); % try typing [1 2 3]
i, x, v
clear all