MATLAB Tutorial

Chapter 5. File input/output

5.1. Saving/reading binary files and making calls to the operating system

% When using MATLAB, either when running a m-file
% or performing calculations interactively, there is a master
% memory structure that MATLAB uses to keep track of the
% values of all of the variables.  This memory space can be
% written in a binary format to a file for storing the results
% of your calculations for later use.  This is often useful
% when you have to interrupt a MATLAB session.

% The following commands demonstrate how to use this storage
% option to make binary .mat files.

% First, let us define some variables that we want to save.
num_pts =10;
Afull(1,1) = 1;
Afull(num_pts,num_pts) = 1;
for i=2:(num_pts-1)  % sum over interior points
   Afull(i,i) = 2;
   Afull(i,i-1) = -1;
   Afull(i,i+1) = -1;
b = linspace(0,1,num_pts)';
x = Afull\b;

whos;  % display contents of memory

% The "save" command saves the data in the memory space
% to the named binary file.
save mem_store1.mat;

clear all;
whos;  % no variables are stored in memory

ls *.mat  % display all .mat files in directory

% The "load" command loads the data stored in the
% named binary file into memory.
load mem_store1.mat;
whos;  % we see that the data has been loaded again

% If we want to get rid of this file, we can use the "delete" command.
delete mem_store1.mat;
ls *.mat

% In the commands above, I have used path names to specify the
% directory.  We can view our current default directory using
% the command "pwd".
pwd  % displays the current directory

% We can then change to another directory using the "cd" command.
cd ..   % move up one directory
ls  % list files in directory
cd MATLAB_tutorial;  % directory name may differ for you
pwd; ls

% We can also use the "save" command to save only selected
% variables to a binary file.
save mem_store2.mat Afull;

clear all

load mem_store2.mat

delete mem_store2.mat

clear all

5.2. Input/output of data to/from an ASCII file

% First, let use define some variables that we want to save.
num_pts =10;

Afull(1,1) = 1;
Afull(num_pts,num_pts) = 1;
for i=2:(num_pts-1)  % sum over interior points
   Afull(i,i) = 2;
   Afull(i,i-1) = -1;
   Afull(i,i+1) = -1;

b = linspace(0,1,num_pts)';
x = Afull\b;

whos;  % display contents of memory

% Now, let us write out the contents of Afull into a file
% that we can read.

% One option is to use the "save" command with the option -ascii,
% that writes to a file using the ASCII format.
save store1.dat Afull -ascii;
type store1.dat  % view contents of file

% We can also load a file in this manner.  The contents of
% the ASCII file filename.dat are stored in the MATLAB
% variable filename.  This is a good way to import data from
% experiments or other programs into MATLAB.
load store1.dat;

% If we add the option -double, the data is printed out with
% double the amount of digits for higher precision.
delete store1.dat;
save store1.dat Afull -ascii -double;
type store1.dat

% We can use this command with multiple variables, but we
% see that no spaces are added.
delete store1.dat;
save store1.dat Afull b x -ascii;
type store1.dat  % view contents of file
delete store1.dat  % get rid of file

% MATLAB also allows more complex formatted file input/output
% of data using commands that are similar to those in C.

% First, we list all of the files in the directory.

% Next, we see create the output file and assign a label to it
% with the "fopen" command that has the syntax
% where PERMISSION is usually one of :
%     'r' = read only
%     'w' = write (create if needed)
%     'a' = append (create if needed)
%     'r+' = read and write (do not create)
%     'w+' = create for read and write
%     'a+' = read and append (create if needed)
FID_out = fopen('test_io.dat','w');

% Now, we print the b vector to the output file as a column vector
% using the "fprintf" command.  In the FORMAT string '\n' signifies
% a carriage return, and %10.5f specifies a floating point decimal
% output with 5 numbers after the decimal point and a total field
% width of 10.
for i=1:length(b)
    fprintf(FID_out,'%10.5f \n',b(i));

% We now close the file and show the results.
disp('Contents of test_io.dat : ');
type test_io.dat;

% MATLAB's "fprintf" can also be loaded to avoid the need of
% using a for loop
FID_out = fopen('test_io.dat','a');
fprintf(FID_out,'%10.5f \n',x);

disp('Contents of test_io.dat : ');
type test_io.dat;

% We can also use "fprintf" to print out a matrix.
C = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12];
FID_out = fopen('test_io.dat','a');
for i = 1:size(C,1)
    fprintf(FID_out,'%5.0f %5.0f %5.0f \n',C(i,:));

disp('Contents of test_io.dat : ');
type test_io.dat;

% We can read in the data from the formatted file using
% "fscanf", which works similarly to "fprintf".

% First, we open the file for read-only.
FID_in = fopen('test_io.dat');

% We now read the b vector into the variable b_new.
% First, we allocate space for the vector, and then
% we read in the values one by one.
b_new = linspace(0,0,num_pts)';
for i=1:num_pts
    b_new(i) = fscanf(FID_in,'%f',1);

% Now read in x to x_new, using the overloading
% possible in MATLAB.
x_new = linspace(0,0,num_pts)';
x_new = fscanf(FID_in,'%f',num_pts);

% Finally, we read in the matrix C to C_new.
C_new = zeros(4,3);
for i=1:size(C,1)
    for j=1:size(C,2)
        C_new(i,j) = fscanf(FID_in,'%f',1);


clear all