14.02: Principles of Macroeconomics, Fall 2000
Problem Set 5
Due October 25, 2000
Consider the following
open economy where foreign variables are starred. Assume both countries use the same currency and prices are fixed,
so that the real exchange rate e is
constant, normalized to one.
C = 20 + 0.6(Y - T)
I = 16
G = 10
T = 10
Q = 0.1Y
X = 0.1Y*
a. Solve for equilibrium income in the
domestic economy, given a fixed level of foreign output. What is the multiplier
in this economy? What is the closed economy multiplier? Why are they different?
b. Assume
the foreign economy has the same equations as the domestic economy. Use this to
solve for the equilibrium output of each country. What is the multiplier for
each country now? Why is it different than the open economy multiplier
above? In general, if the domestic
country is relatively small, what do you think its effect on the foreign
economy will be? Explain how this
influences the outcome.
c. Assume
both countries have a target level of output of 125. What is the increase in G
necessary in either of these countries, assuming the other country does not
change G, to achieve target output? Solve for net exports and the budget
deficit in each country.
d. Suppose
they agree to increase their government spending. What level of G = G* is necessary to achieve the
desired outcome?
e. Why is fiscal coordination (such as the common increase in G in part d) difficult to achieve in practice?
Consider the following economy:
Z = C + I + G
C = 10 + .6(Y – T)
I = 10 – 20i + 0.2Y
G = 10
T = 10
Md = PY/(10*i)
Ms = 50
P = 1
Then suppose the economy opens to trade with another country.
Z = C + I + G + NX
C, I, G, T, and P are the same
NX (Y*, Y, E) = .2Y* - .2Y – (20/E)
Y* = 100
i* = .4
Ee = 1
P* = 1