
Seminar: Multicultural Encounters in Germany

In this course visiting poet and author Zafer Senocak discusses with students the powers and limits of poetry. Participants analyze the metaphoric and rhythmic use of language, narrative strategies, and aesthetic structures. The course focusses thematically on the topic of ethnic and cultural diversity in Germany, Turkish-German relations, the representation of otherness, and national identity (in German).


Public Readings (in German and English)

April 29, 7:30 pm, 14E-310

Once Each Door Had Its Own Meaning

Poetry Reading in German and English by Zafer Senocak and his translator Elizabeth Oehlkers


Special Film Series + Discussion Group (in German)

February 27, 7 pm, 2-105

Dikkat! Wir kommen. 1994, 60 Minuten

Film über junge türkische Frauen in München

March 6, 7 pm, 2-105

Eastsider. 1995, 40 Minuten

Eine Gruppe von jungen Türken in der bayrischen Provinz

March 13, 7 pm, 2-105

Mädchen am Ball. 1996, 45 Minuten

Dokumentation über eine Frauenfußballmannschaft

April 17, 7 pm, 2-105

Orhan Pamuk - Istanbul. 1996, 45 Minuten

Portrait des bekannten türkischen Schriftstellers

May 6, 7 pm, 1-390

Ein Mädchen im Ring. 1996, 30 Minuten

Potrait einer jungen türkischen Boxerin

May 8, 7 pm. 1-390

Zum Freitagsgebet in den Hinterhof. 1996, 30 Minuten

Muslime in Berlin