Section 2.8.2
Documentation (Manuals)
The formal description of a mechanical system or a technical process is known as its
documentation. Documentation takes the form of technical and user manuals that accompany
various technological objects, materials, and processes. Electronic hardware, computers,
chemicals, automobiles all are accompanied by descriptive documentation in the form of manuals.
Two kinds of documentation are required when products are sold: technical documentation and user
- Technical documentation is a physical description of a system, device, material, or
process. This technical description is used by expert users and designers as
guidelines to maintain and modify various elements of the system. Good
examples of technical documentation are the wiring
diagrams that accompany electrical hardware, the computer code that
accompanies many programmed instruments, and the detailed pharmaceutical
descriptions that accompany various medicines. These descriptions are all
intended for experts, who must make informed
decisions about the installation, capabilities, modifications, and applications of the
technology in question.
- User documentation includes the product guidelines addressed to the general user who needs to know basic requirements
for getting the best use out of the technology. User documentation includes the
manuals for product use, assembly, maintenance, operations, and repair.
Manuals should be prepared with the object of making the information quickly available to the
expert or general reader. Keep the audience foremost in mind.
In manuals, ease of finding and reading information is a priority. Hence manuals should contain
these components:
## Documentation (Manuals) ##
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