Taken from NAFA-network 3.6 (June 1996).
Newsletter of the Nordic Anthropological Film Association
Web version: http://www.sv.uio.no/ima/etm/nafanet/
ISSN: 0805-1046
New anthropological film program in Troms
The Department of Social Anthropology/Sami Studies at the University of
Troms, Norway has been promised a grant of seven million Norwegian crowns
from the Norwegian Research Council to establish an anthropological film
center at the university in 1997. The project is funded for five years, and
will be supervised by professor Lisbeth Holtedahl and associate professor
Terje Brantenberg. According to the university newspaper "Tromsflaket"
(http://www.uit.no/tromsoflaket/1996.08/01.html), the funds will be
primarily used in a training program for graduate and post-graduate
students. The anthropological film makers David and Judith MacDougall will
be leading a three month course each spring, together with three Italian
In their research proposal, Holtedahl and Brantenberg stressed that
film-making in the multi-cultural (Sami & Norwegian) setting of Troms would
be complemented with projects in multi-cultural regions in the southern
hemisphere, such as Cameroon. The University of Troms is already involved
with co-operation on these lines, and will be working towards a greater
dialog between researchers in the North and the South.
For information on the film program, contact the
Institute of Social Sciences,
University of Troms,
N-9037 Troms, Norway.
Tel +47 77644000,
Fax +47 77644905, http://www.uit.no/uit/engelsktxt.html#SocialSciences
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