Africa Film WebMeeting

Message from: Prema Qadir (
About: Re: Infrastructure in Ghana

Mon, 7 Oct 1996 11:01:06 -0400

Originally from: Prema Qadir <>
Originally dated: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 11:01:06 -0400

At 01:20 PM 10/6/96 -1000, kwama wrote:
>Dearest Prema,
> After 32 years of western living .. I have consciously decided to
>return.. to experience African living. Am I crazy? How will I manage?
>I will see when I get there!
> I will use all the skills that I have acquired in Solar Energy,
>Broadcasting, Education, and Computers..etc..
> Fellow netters, I would appreciate some help in contacting good
>in these areas.. in Ghana.
> In the meantime.. thank you all for the information on Ghana.. I
>like to address some of the issues.. but first must collect my thoughts
>to offer an intelligent exchange.
> Keep up the good work. Medaase Paa! Thank you.
>Naa Kwama Thompson
>P.S: I would like to reach my sister in Ghana. She lives in the
>Dansoman area.. but has no phone. Her name maiden name was Alberta
>Akuye Addy. her married name is Alberta Akuye Ofei. Maybe someone
>knows someone.. etc. who can get to her.. somehow. We do have internet
>in Accra.. so this just may be possible.
>Thank you all.
> (O)
> I
> / \
Dear Kwama,

You have expressed your passions to the Creator.
You are already on your way, my dear!

I know that I will return to Ghana someday.
I am anxious to see you THERE!

Keep up the good work. Medaase Paa!

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