I'm cheating a bit... and putting the answers with the questions,
Steve Smith, moderator
Hello everyone,
Does anybody know who has the distribution rights of "La vie est belle" =
(Nwanguru Mweze and Benoit Lamy) in Europe? In fact, I need photos
from this film for my article but have no one at a moment. Could someone
help me?
Mari Maasilta
University of Tampere
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 17:00:39 -0400
From: Laura Arntson <arntson@pilot.msu.edu>
La Vie Est Belle ("Life Is Rosy")
is distributed by Facets Multimedia, Inc. (1517 West Fullerton Ave.,
Chicago, IL 60614) and California Newsreel (149 Ninth St., San Francisco, CA
94103 415-621-6196) in the U.S.
* * * *
Laura Arntson, Ph.D.
Coordinator, African Media Program
Michigan State University African Studies Center
100 Center for International Programs
East Lansing, MI 48824-1035
phone: 517-432-0057 - fax: 517-432-1209
e-mail: arntson@pilot.msu.edu
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 15:12:38 -0500 (CDT)
From: Suzanne MacRae <smacrae@comp.uark.edu>
Dear Marja-Ritta Maasilta:
California Newsreel in San Francisco is the distributor.
Address: 149 Ninth Street
San Francisco, California 94103
Tel (415) 621-6196
There is e-mail but I don't have it handy right now.
Suzanne MacRae
[I'm not sure that CAL Newsreel has European rights, but
they might know who has. Their e-mail address is
newsreel@ix.netcom.com. Ed.]
The European agent for LA VIE EST BELLE is Europex, 50 avenue es Champs
Elsee, 75008 Paris. Fax: 33-1-45-62-61-83. Phone: 33-1-45-62-61-62.
Cornelius Moore.
= California Newsreel
= 149 Ninth Street/Suite 420
= San Francisco, CA 94103
= phone: 415.621.6196
= FAX: 415.621.6522
= e-mail: Newsreel@ix.netcom.com
= web address: http://www.newsreel.org
In-Reply-To: 199610292001.PAA13796@dag.XC.Org