I was in England recently and thought list members might be interested in
a new magazine published there called Black Filmmaker - the editor and
publisher is filmmaker Menelik Shabazz who made Burning an Illusion -
The magazine is "targeted at those working in the industry and has a
worldwide perspective on Black film "
To subscribe -
Black Filmmaker Magazine
Digital Arts Centre,
Sentinel House,
1 Ashley Road,
London, N17 9LP
Tel: 0181 885 6435
Rates: 45 pounds sterling overseas
#20, individuals UK, #30, voluntary organizations, #50 Business/
Their web page is http://www.leevalley.co.uk/bfm
email: bfm@lvd.leevalley.co.uk
Victoria Pasley
University of Houston
and a bit later...
The email address I just gave for Black Filmmaker magazine doesn't seem to
be working as it was returned to me -
Victoria Pasley
In-Reply-To: 199807231329.GAA28470@abraham.xc.org