Africa Film WebMeeting

Message from: Beti Ellerson (
About: Fw: Delay with Gloria Rolando's visa

Tue, 22 Sep 1998 10:54:02 -0400

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    -----Original Message-----
    From: Chester King <>
    To: Chester King <>
    Date: Tuesday, September 22, 1998 8:30 AM
    Subject: Delay with Gloria Rolando's visa

    After much running around, I finally found out that, due to the recent
    Cuban spying affair in Florida, visa checks have been tightened up at the
    State Department and Gloria's paperwork is taking longer than anticipated.

    It looks as if she will be able to come in the 3nd week of October, which
    means pushing back her trip to the West Coast until the 2nd week of Nov.

    I will have more details in a couple of days.

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