Steve Smith, moderator
An introduction to the African Media Partners Network
1. Objectives
The decision to create an informal media donors' network was taken at a
meeting held in Paris in December 1995, which brought together many =
The aim of this meeting was to enable the various donors to meet each =
and to initiate a mutual exchange of information. The participants =
the wish that these exchanges of ideas and information be followed up =
by the
creation of an informal network.
The network's aims are as follows:
* To allow donors to circulate information and exchange news
concerning strategies and aid schemes being implemented for the benefit =
African media.
* To stimulate collective debate and the exchange of ideas and
practices regarding innovative ways of providing support.
* To facilitate the implementation of certain joint pilot projects.
The network currently has approximately thirty members. Above all, it =
is a
forum for debate and communication. It does not seek to unite donors =
one single strategy or to impose vast joint projects. On the contrary, =
diversity of approach constitutes both a richness and an accepted =
The network enables donors to manage this diversity more efficiently by
avoiding redundant or contradictory action, and by enhancing each =
awareness of developments within the sector and the various types of
2. The network's secretarial staff
The network is organised by a flexible and small 'technical office', =
in Paris at the Gret. This office organises and simplifies the =
activity, and deals with occasional requests from donors. It sends out
information and ideas regarding support action for the African media. =
staff are also engaged in identifying active donors in this sector (cf.
membership list).
Communication between donors is achieved by means of a newsletter, wich =
contains space for reflection about donors' projects and the tendencies
observed within the sector.
A virtual forum is planned for 1998, in order that donors may =
communicate in
a more open and interactive manner in between meetings. The network =
has an electronic mail address:
3. The network's activities
* Identification and mobilisation of donors active in this field
The secretarial staff continues to identify new donors active in the =
of African media.
* Organisation and circulation of information
The office collects information about donors' activities and sends out =
news in a summarised, structured format, to other members of the =
* Question and answer service (all enquiries welcome)
* Newsletter
A network newsletter is sent out to partners to inform them of new =
projects and of the major tendencies within the sector of African =
* Internet site
For the communication of information and a continuous, direct exchange =
ideas, the network's own Internet page will soon be in operation.
* Studies and Evaluations: reception, editing and production of
The office centralises reports and studies carried out on support =
for the African media, in addition to documentation on the various =
and associate structures active in this sector. It edits such documents =
sends them out.
* Organisation of meetings between partners
Three other meetings have taken place since the meeting in Paris =
1995). Each time, new participants have been welcomed: in Brussels, on =
invitation of the European Commission (24th-25th June 1996), in =
on the invitation of the Danish ministry of Foreign Affairs, (5th-7th =
1997), and then in Bellagio, on the invitation of the Rockefeller =
(22nd-26th September 1997).
* Organisation of working groups
Small working groups, limited to partners who are specifically =
with certain issues (chosen by the partners) have been set up and are =
run by
the office=A0:
- the first working group met at the beginning of March, to address
the subject of forming a network to link African communications =
authorities. This was a preparatory meeting before the Conference on =
Communications Regulating Authorities - the Circaf;
- a second working group has been created to deal with questions
relating to audiovisual production. The next meeting is planned for
- a third group is working on questions of methodology for
intervention in the field of training.
Joint activities may result from these working groups.
* Support for the creation of joint initiatives. Provision of joint
- A plan to support and give new direction to the Cierro is being
elaborated. Partners wishing to support this venture met in Paris on =
January, and the centre's director was also present.
- A plan to draw up a common set of guidelines for training ventures
is currently being adopted by the partners, based upon criteria laid =
down by
partners present in Bellagio.
- An exploratory study will be carried out, at the request of several
partners, in order to determine a scale of measurement for evaluating
training schemes, in particular, and, more broadly, media support
- Means of raising local support funds for written and radio
production will also be considered by a group which will gather =
summarise it, and make proposals on this basis.
List of the main members of the network=20
Agence de coop=E9ration et de d=E9veloppement international (Canada)
Austrian Development Cooperation (Autriche)
Bundesministerium f=FCr wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (Allemagne)
Communaut=E9 fran=E7aise de Belgique (Belgique)
CRDI (Canada)
DANIDA (Danemark)
FINNIDA (Finlande)
Instituto da Coopera=E7=E3o (Portugal)
Minist=E8re des affaires =E9trang=E8res - Coop=E9ration et Francophonie =
Minist=E8re des Affaires =E9trang=E8res (Luxembourg)
Minist=E8re du d=E9veloppement et de la coop=E9ration (Suisse)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Pays-Bas)
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD - Norv=E8ge)
Overseas Department Administration (Grande-Bretagne)
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA - Su=E8de)
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Agence de la Francophonie
Banque mondiale
Commission Europ=E9enne
Commonwealth Fund for technical cooperation
Fondation Friedrich Ebert (Allemagne)
Ford Foundation (USA)
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (Allemagne)
Hans Seidel Stiftung (Allemagne)
Heinrich-B=F6ll Stiftung (Allemagne)
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Allemagne)
Open Society Foundation (Afrique du Sud)
The Rockefeller Foundation (USA
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (Grande-Bretagne)
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