Africa Film WebMeeting

Message from: Steve Smith (SteveSmith@XC.Org)
About: FW: Response: Cry the Beloved Country

Thu, 4 Feb 1999 08:37:55 -0500

  • Next message: Steve Smith: "FW: The Heritage of the Griot"
    X-posted from h-afrteach

    Are you aware that there is a recently made South African film based on Cry
    the Beloved Country, but set against the background of today's South
    Africa's policy of truth and reconciliation?
    The director is Darrel James Roodt, the first South African film-maker to
    make a film inside South Africa with a clear anti-apartheid message ("A
    Place of Weeping"), way back inte 1980s. He has also made "Sarafina",
    screened at the Cannes film festival in 1992.
    It might be worthwhile to supplement the teaching on Paton's book with this
    link to today. I am not sure of the distributor, but New Line Cinema in Los
    Angeles should perhaps know. They are the producers of his latest film,
    "Dangerous Ground", a kind of dope action movie set in Johannesburg.
    From: John Metzler < <> >

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