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Working farms continue to occupy the land east of Georgetown, but the west has been increasingly developed to house commuters from Austin and retired folk from across America. The town still has a center, but few of the "Old Georgetown" families, and even fewer of the town's historic businesses, remain there. The Square, long the focus of Georgetown life, was renovated in the 1980's under a "Main Street USA" grant from the National Historic Trust. As a result, the town center has appeared in several movies and TV shows looking for that quintessential small town look. But the city's 20,000-plus population has taken their business to chain stores on the Interstate, leaving behind a few curio and antique shops for tourists, a couple of long-standing stores still hanging on by a thread, a coffeshop proudly independent from Starbucks, and the county newspaper: a twice-weekly rag called the Sun that still hasn't acknowledged the existence of a world outside of Georgetown. |