
She wraps a towel around her breasts, tucking the loose end tightly under one arm. She grabs another towel and rubs her hair vigorously as she walks to her room. Over one shoulder, she tells Nora, "Set the table and get the food out, ok?" Once in her room she relaxes briefly and examines herself in the mirror. **Not too bad... a little flabby, a little tired... nothing irreversible.** She brushes her hair and ties a quick ponytail. In the mirror she glances at the bed, where Mickey is already curled on one pillow. It is tempting, but she resists.

She pulls on a pair of soft blue sweat pants and selects a neatly-folded T-shirt from the dresser. Yelling erupts from the kitchen. "Damn kids, never a moment's peace," she breathes, and hurries out again pulling the T-shirt over her head as she goes.
