
As you slowly descend through the atmosphere you repeat your instructions silently to pass the time. **Observe the family. Don't interfere. Switch hosts as necessary.** You reach out mentally to the observation site: the investigation sphere has influence over the entire domicile, as expected. Unless the hosts leave their domicile, you will be able to observe them uninterrupted. You pass through a scattering of clouds and see your research site for the first time. Eagerly you anticipate encountering your subjects. You have been told that this particular site is rich with lifeforms of sufficient cognitive abilities for study. You recite the place-names that have been assigned to different regions of the domicile. **Kitchen. Bathroom. Living room. Girl's bedroom. Boy's bedroom. Adults' bedroom. Inside hall. Outside Hall. Fire escape.** You are close enough to feel the pull of the sphere, and you correct your course for perfect interception. You pass gently through several layers of building material and come to rest in the center of the sphere. You test the strength of the sphere--it should last well into the night.

You are in the kitchen. There is a dog under the table.

Occupy: dog

Move: inside hall