
**She's gone, it's not like she'll care, or even notice for that matter.** Still rationalizing not cleaning, she pulls her paperback out of her backpack. Quickly she immerses in the world. The hero is in major trouble: the monster that haunts the campground is chasing him, the counselors are clearly evil, and campers have been disappearing with alarming regularity. All at once, the story and the gut-wrenching fear she had been so enjoying disintegrated. The hero's parents appear out of nowhere and explain that the whole experience had been a test. Apparently they were about to go on assignment for the government, but he needed to pass tests in order for it to happen. **Blah blah, yay. What a copout.** Even the missing campers are intact and joking.

Something soft and warm bounces off her calf. All the tension built up by the book releases at once and she screams. **Rabid bats! Cthulhoid monsters!** She is still screaming when her mother comes in and tries to calm her down. **Please stay**
