
The can opener bites into the plain white-and-yellow can of Scientific Diet Kidney Cat Food. A noxious odor wafts out that surpasses that of the Chinese food in nastiness. She grabs and discards several spoons before finding the one with the different handle, the "cat spoon." Mickey utters a purr-ridden meow. "Oh, so you finally showed up, huh? We're best friends so long as I'm the one with the can opener." She spoons about a third of the can into Mickey's dish and watches him devour the soft, brown mush. **If you like that, why can't you like me?** She covers the can with Saran-wrap and puts in the the fridge. She digs her Walkman out of her backpack to listen to Alanis Morrisette's new album, picks up her Goosebumps novel, and slouches into the chair.
