
"So, Laura, can I ask you a questions?" **I can't believe I said that.** He doesn't hear her reply. "Never mind, it's nothing," he says quickly. Two hopes war in his heart: the first prays that she will accept his excuse, the second urging her to pursue the lead. The latter hope is rewarded. Tension builds in his belly as he tries to evade the dreadful question.

He is saved when his sister bursts through the door, Luna in tow. She glares at him, but he studiously ignores her. "I'm on the phone!" he shouts, not really angry. Luna jumps on him and licks his face joyfully. When he gets the phone back to his ear he is ready for a change of topic, but surprises himself by asking her to a movie next weekend. Once asked, the question seems much more inconsequential than he ever could have imagined. He tells himself the answer doesn't really matter, but is elated none the less when she says yes. He falls asleep quickly after saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.
