
He is playing volleyball with his Dad in the park across the street. It's a casual game: both cooperate to keep the ball in the air. "Dad, can I ask you something?" he asks, and sets the ball across the net. His Dad bumps it back, nodding. "What kind of movies do girls like?" His Dad catches the smudged volleyball and walks over to him, slinging an arm around his shoulders. "Girls like all sorts of movies." They sit under a tall oak tree. "Your Mom can tell you that sort of thing. I need to tell you something, Chris. I'm very sorry for leaving you alone." He squints through the sun that filters through the leaves and grins amiably. "Yeah, Dad, whatever. It's cool."

He hears a voice shouting, "Chris, wake up!" His Dad is gone. He turns over and finds himself in bed. He shakes his head briefly. **I'll go talk to Nora. She's probably not even asleep yet.** He searches under the bed for his slippers and walks out the door with a sleepy Luna in his wake.
