
He fumbles absently in his pocket for his key, but the pocket is empty. Instantly a picture flashes through his mind: three silver keys on a dirty shoestring lying on his dresser. **Damn!** He stands still for a moment, gathering himself, and knocks sharply on the door.

"Hey, Nora! Open up!" he shouts hopefully, praying that he sounds like someone to be reckoned with. He listens, but all he hears is Luna's familiar toenail-clicking on the linoleum. "Come on, I know you're in there! Just let me in." Luna begins barking, quietly at first, but gradually increasing in volume and tempo as he pounds on the door.

**It's all right, I'll just leave. No one says I have to be at home, anyway.** As he turns to go, he hears the bolt slide reluctantly. Luna bounds out and knocks him to the ground. He only pretends to resist when she enthusiastically paints his face with her tongue. "Ok, ok already. Get off me!" He smiles and scratches her behind her left ear. He glances scathingly at Nora as he pushes through the door. He notices a smear of chocolate near the corner of her mouth. "Too busy chowing to let me in, cow?" He sneers and walks into the living room.
