He makes Diddley leap over two chomping blue alligators and up a set of stairs. The two monkeys jump into a barrel, which shakes and explodes, releasing a bright green snake that bounces on its spring-shaped tail. The snake's movements are controlled with the same buttons, but the character reacts differently. He practises with the snake for a bit, and then moves on. As soon as the snake bounces up to the next step, green ooze begins to rise and fill the game area. He must go higher, faster! The snake is victorious over one-legged pirate alligator men and buzzing yellow bees. He has gone further than he has ever gone before.
Luna dashes in front of him at a critical moment. When her furry body clears the screen, the green ooze has overcome the little snake, causing it to bend strangely and fall off the bottom of the screen to a sad little tune. **Awww... shit. Shit. I can do it again.** He tries to convince himself that this is true when the yellow bees kill the snake, and again when the pirate alligators get him. The next time he doesn't ever make it past the blue alligators, and he groans with frustration. Luna chases Mickey back across the living room, but the cat escapes into a forest of dying plants. **Better luck next time, pup.** He is about to begin again when he hears a loud crash from the kitchen. **What the hell...** He hurries to the kitchen to discover the source.