
He is flushed and relaxed. **I always forget how nice it is to run for a while.** He smiles and scratches Luna's ears. He snaps off the leash and opens the door. He hears Mom telling Nora to set the table, but instead he finds her still reading and listening to her Walkman. **She probably didn't even hear Mom.** He touches her lightly on her shoulder, and relays the order. She starts moving, albeit slowly. **She's probably still upset about that cooking thing.**

He fills Luna's water dish at the sink and sets in down on the floor. She buries he nose in it and slurps sloppily. When he looks up he sees the table. **Something's wrong.** Angry words leave his mouth and he grabs the extra plate, nestling it in his arms for a moment before putting it back. Nora tries to cover her mistake, but he is too angry to accept excuses, and finds himself yelling at her again.
