
Once again rudely awakened he hisses at the girl, whose screaming jumping behavior is unusual and alarming to sleepy cats. Run inside **safer there** lick down fur, perturbed. **hmpf hmpf ah--whatever--grooming, calming, mom always said** Fur somewhat smoothed he stretches, seeks entertainment. **can't go back out... wait! faint noise, scratching nibbling--that smell! He tears out to the kitchen, thundering like many cats, to hunt the elusive Mouse.

Eyes wide spy Mouse hesitating at the other end of the kitchen. **one pounce he is mine! wait...wait...wait...now!** Flying on kitty wings he lands where Mouse had been, but Mouse no more. Turns skittering just in time to see the tail disappear. **waiting game to play come here little Mouse** Snuffing wet nose prods his backside. **gluey dog snot hard to groom** He yowls and races ears back flat and tail puffed to the living room window amidst a sea of plants, where the dog afraid to go, hissing. **stay away from me!**
