So, Doctor, we started fighting on the ski lift and Peter let
	slip he didn't think a woman could make a good President and
	that the feminist movement was making a monster of me.
	It was the worst fight we ever had.
	He said Edie was poisoning my mind.
	That my CR sessions were making me conscious of everything
	but his dissatisfaction with the relationship. 
	And he said ... and this is what really hurt ... 
	he said that I used to be so sexy, but now I'd even lost 
	my sex appeal.

	I bolted off that ski lift so mad. Halfway down, I slammed
	smack into a pine stump. I know he saw it, but he skied right
	past me.

	Okay, Doctor, but Gestalt therapy is new to me.
	In this chair, I role-play Peter; in this chair, I role-play
	myself, right?	And in that chair,
	you role-play the doctor?

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