I met somebody, Doctor....

	I'm at the TM center in Santa Monica waiting to
	get my mantra
	and I meet this really great-looking guy
	who's waiting to have his mantra checked.
	He was wearing Indian cotton drawstring pants,
	Birkenstock sandals
	and a T-shirt that said "Whales Save Us."

	I liked him right off.  he has a kind of, I don't know, a post-
	psychedelic air about him like somebody who
	maybe in college one time had read Gurdjieff
	or the Tibetan Book of the Dead
	on acid.
	We split to this vegetarian place nearby, the Golden Temple.
	I had something that tasted like a tofu melt.
	Talking with him was such a high.
	he listens with an intensity most other people have only when
	talking.  Doctor, I knew he was "getting" me on so
	many different levels.  he could just look at me
	and it was like I could feel all my
	chakras opening.
	I remember our exact conversation--word for word.
	I felt so totally comfortable talking about myself--

	I know it may not seem so to you, but it's
	not something I do that easily--I mean, I find I'm
	not that open with most people, not really.  That's why I keep
	a journal, I guess.

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