[FROM LYN'S JOURNAL, 1975 continued]
	Bob showed me his Samadhi isolation tank and then I stretched
	out on his water bed.

	He gave me a shiatsu massage.

	He knew I had seminar stiffness.

	We smoked some paraqaut-free Panama Red and then
	we made love.

	Afterwards, we talked into the night.  Bob poured
	out all his feelings about things that concerned him;
	megavitamin therapy, solar energy, the ecosystem
	and ending world hunger through tofu consciousness.

	We made love again.  And then stopped and had a Trail Mix

	We talked till dawn, exchanging Patti Hearst theories, and then
	we fell asleep.

	By morning we were in love.  Bob is a dream come true ...
	a New Age Ward Cleaver.

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