Bob and I told the twins
        that since we'd be seeing them at different times,
        they'd have twice as much "quality time." But
        they didn't buy it.
        All I can think of is all
        the mistakes I've made
        and is this divorce going to be
        another one.

        I called Edie tonight during the nomination.
        We stayed on the phone together.

        When we heard "Ladies and gentlemen of the
        convention, my name is
        Geraldine Ferraro,"
        we cried. Earlier, when the newscaster
        on ABC had said,
        "She's kept her maiden name,
        not for any feminist reason,
        but because she feels she owes
        her mother so much,"
        we laughed.

        I thought to myself: There was a time when Edie
        wouldn't have laughed at that.
        It was so good to hear her voice.
        I must remember to send Ivan a telegram
        about his concert at Carnegie Hall.

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