Hexan Mylar

Tonight's going to be rough, but it'll be worth it. After some hard work, a little more patience, and some negotiations, all you've put into this smuggling trade with work out, and you'll be rich. Rich enough to leave this god-forsaken asteroid. Now if only Sam weren't acting so strange lately....

You've been on this dam asteroid for nearly 5 years now, almost the longest of the present crew. And you're ready to get off. All you've needed is one lucky break. Which is why you got into smuggling in the first place. So here you are, about to close the biggest deal you've ever made. Of course, you don't quite understand why these "Drillies" are so valuable. Sure, you know all about how great Drillyjuice is supposed to be, but you'd never touch the stuff. You've heard how different races react differently to it. Some say it works like a powerful aphrodisiac to the Daleks, of all things, and that it's a strong hallucenative drug to the Nyrellians. Hell, you've heard some people just like to keep Drillies as pets, but it still just money to you.

Because of the recent cave-ins, you'll have to do some navigation with Pauly through the mines tonight. Damn. You've gotten so sick of the mines, but the Drillies are stored down there, and anyway, Sam's been seeming to out of it recently to go instead of you. Just be careful around Pauly when he glitches.

As for Sam, you're not quite sure what's wrong with him. You'd expect him to get edgy around the time of the deal, but not like this. You'd better hurry back after getting the sample Drilly before he attacks the buyers... Maybe he'll be ok. Both of you have a lot riding on this deal...



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