A Few Comments about LARPs and Assassin Games

For this Project, all (well, most) of the information for the game is on the web. For an actual LARP, each character's sheets, mechanics, and information would be printed out and given only to the person playing each part. Of course, everyone would (er, should) get a copy of the rules, scenario, and other public information, such as a playerlist.

Some parts of the game (i.e. threshold objects) can not be properly represented on the web, so they have not been posted. Instead, each character "sheet" has a list of relevant items, ability cards, etc.

LARPs vary greatly in format and style, among different organizations. The MIT Assassins' Guild, a Student Organization, runs many different kinds of LARPS. Such games tend to have 3 time formats: 1-day, 3-day, and 10-day. This project, once finished, will be an abbreviated 1-night game for 10-15 players.

For more information, try The MIT Assassins' Guild. This project has no official affiliation with the Guild. Also, you might want to take a look at Lifeboat, another LARP written by Marleigh Norton for this class a few semesters ago.